Difference between Biography And Autobiography

Difference between Biography And Autobiography: A biography is a written account of a person’s life by someone else, while an autobiography is a written account of a person’s life by the person themselves. Biographies are written by someone else to provide an objective perspective, often based on research and interviews.

Autobiographies, on the other hand, are written by the individual to share their own personal experiences and reflections. Both genres offer insights into a person’s life, but with different perspectives and intentions. We will delve deeper into the differences between these two forms of literature, exploring their unique features and purposes.

Whether you are a reader or a writer, understanding the distinction between biography and autobiography can enhance your appreciation and analysis of these narratives.

Definition And Purpose

When it comes to understanding the difference between biography and autobiography, it is essential to explore their definitions and purposes. Both of these literary genres delve into the lives of individuals, but they differ in terms of who tells the story and why it is written.

Definition Of Biography

A biography is an account of a person’s life that is written by someone else. In other words, the author of a biography is not the subject themselves. Instead, biographers meticulously gather information through a journalistic research project, including reviewing records, conducting interviews, and consulting other reliable sources.

Purpose Of Writing A Biography

The purpose of writing a biography is to provide an objective and comprehensive account of a person’s life, achievements, and impact. Biographies aim to enlighten and educate readers about the notable individuals who have shaped our history and society. They offer a deeper understanding of the subject’s personal and professional experiences, their motivations, and the influences that shaped their character.

Definition Of Autobiography

On the other hand, an autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by the individual themselves. The author is the subject, sharing their personal journey, memories, and experiences. Autobiographies offer a first-person perspective and allow the author to reflect on their own life story.

Purpose Of Writing An Autobiography

The purpose of writing an autobiography is to share one’s personal story, voice, and unique perspective. Autobiographies provide insight into the author’s thoughts, emotions, and personal growth throughout their life. They serve as a means of self-expression, allowing individuals to leave behind a legacy, inspire others, or reflect on significant events and lessons learned.

Key Differences

In the world of literature, both biographies and autobiographies play a significant role in capturing the essence of a person’s life. However, there are key differences that set them apart in terms of objectivity vs subjectivity, source of information, and perspective and narrative style.

Objectivity Vs Subjectivity

One of the main differences between a biography and an autobiography lies in the degree of objectivity and subjectivity they offer. In a biography, the writer takes on a journalist’s role, conducting thorough research and gathering information from various sources including records of events and interviews with the subject and other relevant people. This objective approach ensures that the biography provides a well-rounded and unbiased account of the subject’s life.

On the other hand, an autobiography is a first-hand account of one’s own life, written by the subject themselves. As such, it is inherently subjective, reflecting their personal perspectives, emotions, and experiences. Autobiographies allow readers to delve deep into the author’s psyche, providing a unique and intimate glimpse into their life journey.

Source Of Information

Another significant difference between biographies and autobiographies lies in the source of information. In a biography, the writer extensively researches the subject’s life, relying on a multitude of sources such as interviews, documents, and other factual evidence. This ensures that the information presented is well-researched and accurate.

Conversely, an autobiography draws its information solely from the author’s personal experiences, memories, and reflections. While this may result in a more subjective account, it also offers an unparalleled level of authenticity and insight into the author’s thoughts and emotions.

Perspective And Narrative Style

When it comes to perspective and narrative style, biographies and autobiographies also diverge. In a biography, the writer typically adopts a third-person narrative, offering a comprehensive and detached perspective on the subject’s life. This allows readers to view the subject objectively and from a wider perspective.

On the contrary, an autobiography unfolds through the author’s own voice and personal anecdotes, creating a first-person narrative that immerses readers in the author’s emotions and experiences. This subjective approach enables a deeper connection between the reader and the author, as they intimately witness the author’s journey from their own viewpoint.

In conclusion, biographies and autobiographies differ in terms of objectivity vs subjectivity, source of information, and perspective and narrative style. While biographies provide an objective and thoroughly researched account of a person’s life, autobiographies offer a subjective and firsthand perspective, giving readers a direct insight into the author’s experiences. Both genres have their own unique charm and significance, allowing readers to explore the depths of human lives in different ways.

Examples And Popular Works

When it comes to exploring the lives and experiences of individuals, biographies and autobiographies are two common genres that provide valuable insights. Famous biographies offer a glimpse into the lives of influential figures, while autobiographies allow individuals to share their personal stories in their own words. Here are some examples of famous biographies and autobiographies that have captivated readers:

Famous Biographies

Biographies are written by authors or researchers who extensively study the lives of notable individuals. These books present an objective and well-researched account of a person’s life. Here are two popular examples of biographies:

  1. Title of Biography Book 1: This biography delves into the life and achievements of an influential figure in history. It provides a comprehensive understanding of their background, struggles, and contributions to society.
  2. Title of Biography Book 2: In this captivating biography, the author sheds light on the extraordinary life of another prominent individual. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, it offers readers an in-depth exploration of their journey.

Famous Autobiographies

Autobiographies, on the other hand, are written by the individuals themselves, allowing them to personally narrate their unique experiences and perspectives. Here are two remarkable autobiographies that have garnered widespread acclaim:

  • Title of Autobiography Book 1: In this captivating autobiography, the author shares their life story, capturing moments of triumph, hardships, and personal growth. It provides readers with an intimate and authentic account of their journey.
  • Title of Autobiography Book 2: This powerful autobiography gives readers a raw and honest portrayal of the author’s life. Through vivid storytelling and reflection, it offers a profound insight into their experiences and the lessons they’ve learned.

These examples highlight the diverse range of biographies and autobiographies available. Whether you prefer a well-researched account of a notable figure’s life or a personal narrative filled with raw emotions, these works offer compelling stories that are sure to captivate readers.

Difference between Biography And Autobiography

Credit: keydifferences.com

Importance And Benefits

Understanding Different Perspectives

Insights into Historical Figures

Influencing Readership Choices

Biographies and autobiographies are two popular genres that offer unique insights into the lives and experiences of individuals. While both share similarities, they have distinct characteristics that make them valuable in their own ways. Understanding the importance and benefits of each can help us appreciate the significance they hold in literature and historical documentation.

Understanding Different Perspectives

One of the notable benefits of biographies and autobiographies is the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of various perspectives. Biographies, written by someone other than the subject, provide an objective viewpoint and allow readers to examine the life and achievements of notable individuals. These accounts often involve extensive research, interviews, and analysis, offering a well-rounded portrayal of the subject.

On the other hand, autobiographies provide a firsthand account of a person’s life as written by themselves. This personal perspective allows readers to delve into the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of the individual, providing a unique and intimate glimpse into their journey. Autobiographies often reveal personal struggles, triumphs, and moments of growth, giving readers a sense of authenticity and relatability.

Insights Into Historical Figures

Another benefit of biographies and autobiographies is the valuable insights they provide into the lives of historical figures. Biographies meticulously examine the events, influences, and impact of individuals throughout history, creating a comprehensive narrative of their lives. These accounts contribute to our collective understanding of significant figures, shedding light on their contributions to society, politics, science, arts, and more.

Autobiographies, on the other hand, offer a unique perspective on historical figures as they recount their personal experiences and reflections. By exploring their own thoughts, motivations, and decisions, readers can gain insight into the factors that shaped these notable individuals. Autobiographies often reveal the influences, challenges, and pivotal moments that molded their character and led them to their achievements, enriching our understanding of their historical significance.

Influencing Readership Choices

Biographies and autobiographies play a crucial role in influencing readership choices. The availability of diverse biographies allows readers to explore and learn about individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and time periods. By engaging with these narratives, readers can broaden their perspectives, develop empathy, and gain inspiration from the journeys of others. Biographies serve as a window into the lives of individuals who have made lasting contributions, making them an essential choice for individuals seeking knowledge and inspiration.

Autobiographies, on the other hand, offer a unique opportunity for readers to connect with the personal stories and experiences of individuals they may admire or relate to. By reading about the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned by these individuals, readers gain inspiration, guidance, and a sense of shared experience. Autobiographies have the power to influence readers’ choices by encouraging self-reflection, personal growth, and the pursuit of their own passions and aspirations.

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Frequently Asked Questions Of Difference Between Biography And Autobiography

What Is The Example Of Biography And Autobiography?

A biography is a written account of a person’s life, written by someone else. An autobiography is a written account of a person’s life, written by that person. Examples of biographies include “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson and “Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank.

Examples of autobiographies include “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank and “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela.

Are Biographies Better Than Autobiographies?

Biographies are often considered better than autobiographies because they tend to be more objective. Biographers gather information from various sources, including interviews and records, to create a well-rounded perspective. Autobiographies, on the other hand, are written by the person themselves and may have a subjective bias.

Why Is It Called Autobiography?

An autobiography is called so because it is a self-written account of a person’s life. It is different from a biography, which is written by someone else.

What Is The Difference Between An Autobiography And A Memoir?

An autobiography is a factual account of a person’s entire life, written by that person. A memoir is a nonfiction narrative where the author shares memories from a specific time period or reflects on themed occurrences in their life.


The main difference between a biography and an autobiography lies in the perspective of the writer. A biography is written by someone else about an individual’s life, while an autobiography is a personal account written by the individual themselves. Biographies tend to be more objective, as they involve researching events and interviewing the subject, while autobiographies offer a firsthand and subjective view of one’s life.

Both genres provide valuable insights into the lives of notable individuals, offering readers a deeper understanding of their experiences and achievements.

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